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THAT Movie Trailer Drone

When watching a film in cinemas, and sitting through the endless trailers of upcoming films, more often than not you would have heard that loud low-end noise that sounds like the inside of low-pitched trombone. Adopted by almost every action movie trailer, most notably in that of 'Inception' and 'The Dark Knight Rises', the revolutionary drone hit cinematic trailers to help express tension and grasp the viewer's attention (Neilan, 2017).

That sound's debut was featured in the trailer for the film 'Inception' initially created by Mike Zarin before being added on to and modified by Zach Hemsey and then later Hanz Zimmer (Eveleth, 2013). How it was conceived to be was simply as a variation of a common bass drop or bass bend found in almost every electronic dance music track, most notably in sub-genres such as 'dubstep' and 'drum n bass'. Almost as soon as it was created, it was thought about what would be the next widely used, unique sound used in trailers, but the sound is still used till date. Although there are variations of it found in movies such as 'The Dark Knight Rises' of which there is a reversed version of the sound to add swelling attention to the intense dialogue of the film (Knopper, 2017).


Eveleth, R. (2013). How That Annoying Drone From Inception Took Over Movie Trailers. Smithsonian. Retrieved from

Knopper, S. (2017). Bwoom! Bwah! Thwip! How a Handful of Sound Effects Took Over Movie Trailers. Vulture. Retrieved from

Neilan, D. (2017). The new bass drop that’s ruining every trailer. Retrieved from

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